Saturday, October 11, 2008

Assessment 1

Well, my student wasn't one valid candidate. I tried. I thought that because she is a second language learner and that she came to Guam in 2006 she would be a good candidate. Apparently, she's not. I found a back-up candidate that would work. My school has many and parents are willing to have their child be part of the reading clinic but transportation is a major issue. I have taken up the position to transport two of our student candidates to school every Monday. I really don't mind that at all. It's the feeling that I get when the word, "liability" becomes part of the conversation. I'm hoping that every thing will turn out fine.


Ceferino Duarosan, Jr. said...

Don't worry classmate! Just drive really slow and you'll make it to UOG safely.

Kate Pappano said...

I certainly do appreciate you bringing my student to the lab. I'm sure you will arrive safely every week!