Monday, October 13, 2008

"Every path has its puddle."

It was a great session tonight! I thought that I wasn't going to get everything done by today's class, but I managed to do my midterm reflection and session report #1. I was saved by the flexible make-up day and a sudden burst of energy from feeling better after resting on Saturday and Sunday. I continued with Narrative Passages with my student. I think I wore him out with all the passages, but he kept on going! He really enjoyed the last activity where he reread the book "Henry and Mudge" from last session. He got to draw his favorite part of the book. He wrote about the picture and then he retold what he wrote to me. Not a bad second session at all!

Let's continue the great work that we are all doing because the puddle in every path that we take in this journey called LIFE will only make us stronger, hard-working, and intelligent people that we aspire to be daily.


Kate Pappano said...

What an inspirational last paragraph!
I'm glad you had a good session and are feeling better, you looked much better too!

Lucille Linder said...

I think that your interpretation of "puddles" in our paths is right on. They will only make us knowledgeable scholars, reflective decision-makers, and effective communicators in what ever our life's journey takes us. Well done!