Monday, October 20, 2008

Session #3

Tonight's session was great. I'm getting the hang of things with my student. He seems more confident than ever, but he still needs help in many areas. I like my quote for tonight.

"If you don't paddle your own canoe, you don't move." Katherine Hepburn

From my interpretation, if I want to get things done then I have to do things myself diligently and not rely on anyone else to do the job for me. So true! And if you don't like what you have done, you have only but yourself to blame.


Kate Pappano said...

I like your last sentence: If you don't like what you have done you only have yourself to blame. Too many people do not accept responsibility for their actions. A truly wise person does take responsibility and inevitably they learn and grow from it.

Lucille Linder said...

You can tell that you're now blossoming into a plant of knowledge and inspiration. I think I, too, am getting the hang of these inspirational quotes.

I can start my fortune cookie business now.