Sunday, October 26, 2008

Session #2

Charlene is quite an interesting girl. I see her physical form as an older fourth grader but her soft-spoken voice can almost sound like that of a younger child. She seems confident when she reads to me but is unaware that she made a few errors.

I know her mother very well. She ensures that Charlene is prepared with things that will keep her from being bored on the ride to UOG with crayons and a coloring book. I am beginning to wonder if she's treated like that at home. I know that after she completes this course with me, she'll be a little more confident in her reading and writing. She may even want to read chapter books.


Ceferino Duarosan, Jr. said...

That's great! I know that you will bring Charlene out of her shell. Keep up the great work!

Kate Pappano said...

I know your enthusiasm will definitely bring out the confidence in Charlene. I think we will all see an improvement in each of the student's throughout the spring semester!