Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sesssion Number......Three!

My session today, post Parent-Teacher Conference, was kind of odd. I didn't have the one room to myself and my student, Charlene. I had a big room which I shared with Kate and Nathaniel. I kept telling Kate beforehand that my school didn't look like Camelot (DoDea-McCool).

I know it wasn't a "busy" classroom. Because of the Direct Instruction program, I didn't put too much resources on my walls. I normally put up many things but why do it? Some of the teacher resource posters have info that we does not apply to DI.

Today's session was filled with reading two narratives with pre-concept questions from Level three. During the pre-concept questioning, I could already tell where this was leading to. I have this great feeling that Charlene and I will have to work closely with comprehension and how to answer the 5 W's. Overall, she's a real trooper. As we get closer to the end of the semester, I am narrowing down what the plan will be. See you all in two weeks!
Image source: www.telusplanet.net/~boxcars/dice5ws.jpg


Kate Pappano said...

I had a great time Lucille. Even though I'm not teaching it, my general opinion of DI is that it really takes away from a child's overall learning experience. Classrooms should be fun and colorful and stimulating, but I totally see your point about your classroom Lucille. Also the fact that your students had no idea how to read a science text. First off, it blows my mind that science and social studies are not taught under the DI curriculum. Secondly, how well rounded an education can young students receive without the other subjects? I totally understand your frustration. I am also totally up for a ghost hunt at your school...you just name the time and I will be there with my ghost hunting buddy!

Ceferino Duarosan, Jr. said...

I'm up for hunting ghosts as well. Call me up! Well, I just taught Science and Social Studies this week because the Second Block of Reading is gone. I forgot how much time it took to write a lesson plan. I think DI spoiled many of us teachers over the years because all we had for our lesson plans were our LPC folders.