Monday, October 27, 2008

Another session with Ahrian

Hi everyone! I hope that everyone had a pleasant Parent Teacher Conference. Mine went pretty well and quiet. As for my session #4 with Ahrian, it went well. He was excited as usual, but wanted to go to the reading lab. I did three listening comprehension activities with him. He frustrated in all three of them. I know that I need to focus on more listening activities with him on my next session as well as in the spring.

He's going to start at Machananao Elementary School tomorrow (Tuesday, 10/28/08). I convinced his mother to transfer him over so I can work more with him since he will be in my reading class. Miss you guys and I will see you all in two weeks. Have fun and take the time to do something that you have been putting off doing.


Kate Pappano said...

How exciting that Ahrian will be your student at school now as well. You will really be able to keep track of his progress! With your encouragement and patience his reading skills should improve tremendously.

Lucille Linder said...

You must be a real convincing uncle to have him transfer to your school. I'm sure it'll be so much better with this "aunt" being the RC. This is a great opportunity to work on his progress. Happy reading!!