Thursday, November 13, 2008

We're Getting There!

After a bout of ear infection, bronchitis (Andrew with the ear and I had the lung thing) and parent teacher conferences..., we're getting there. I had to squeeze in the sessions in between. Andrew seems to slowly "enjoy" reading. We actually finished a book together. As we both read the chapters, we used some strategies to strengthen our comprehension and maybe enjoy reading books.

Throughout the reading sessions, I came to a realization that Andrew could choose books of his interests then maybe then he would enjoy reading. After the story, "Tuck Everlasting", I asked Andrew if he could go to the school library and select a book of his choice. He went home with a book title "Code Talker." Andrew chose this particular book to connect to a topic in his Social Studies class this quarter. I am not sure if his teacher introduced the book title in class or if it was his own choosing. For whatever reason it may be, I am just satisfied that he was able to make a choice and actually enjoy reading it. I would catch him reading before his volleyball practices and on the rides to school and home.

We're getting there...See you all in class!


Kate Pappano said...

My son Jack is just like Andrew, he only enjoys reading if he is reading something that interests him. Otherwise it's like pulling teeth to get him to read. It's somewhat of a dilemma. I want him to read, but I don't want to force him to read and make reading a 'chore'.

Ceferino Duarosan, Jr. said...

It was good to see you tonight! Hopefully, when I do have kids of my own we can enjoy reading books together.