Friday, November 21, 2008

Up the Ladder..We Go!

Here we go..up the ladder! Who would think that we are this close to our final semester of our program?!!
Monday evening's session was enlightening for Andrew and me. After we reviewed the reading assessment results, we agreed on some reading goals for himself. It will be another semester of commitment but both Andrew and I will be working closer toward our personal goals- meeting reading goals for Andrew and for myself- the completion of my graduate work!
Time is ticking (quickly) for the diagnostic reports and the end of this Fall semester. This only we are getting closer to going "up the ladder."

1 comment:

Kate Pappano said...

I feel like I have stalled on the ladder right now, but you know that since we were both up burning the midnight oil last night! The end is indeed in sight, I just hope I am not bringing my laptop with me off island on Thursday!