Monday, November 17, 2008

I am happy about the turn out of tonight's class as it was very productive. I understand what I need to do and it is just a matter of me getting around to do everything before the due date. I really like my quote today, "Those who lose dreaming are lost." I always do picture myself daydreaming about the "what ifs" in life and always wanted to pursue higher education. I thought that having my bachelor's degree in teaching would keep me content, but I am so close in obtaining my master's. Who would have thought that the shy kid with a problem with reading comprehension who was always stuck with the smart, obnoxious GATE students in elementary is just a semester away from being a reading specialist? Dreams do come true! All we have to do is go after them.


Kate Pappano said...

Who would have thought that the shy kid with a problem with reading comprehension who was always stuck with the smart, obnoxious GATE students in elementary is just a semester away from being a reading specialist?

I would have thought it Cef! You should be very very proud of are almost there! Next stop: PhD!

Lorna Mae Gonzalez said...

Just as you thought, I felt that getting my undergraduate degree was IT! I was just as content until goals change as life changes.
After many years of teaching, my state of mind began to shift to pursue higher goals. It has not been too easy- with a professional job, family and other committments on top of graduate work- PHEW! It will surely be worth the sacrifice of tme and effort!

We're on our way, Cef, Kate and Lucille!