Monday, November 10, 2008

Last session with Ahrian

Today was my last session with Ahrian and to my surprise we had the whole reading lab to ourselves. Imagine that!

Ahrian is such a trooper. He was out the whole last week because of the flu. I wanted to keep the session short today, but he just kept wanting to read and read despite his cough and runny nose.

I did a couple of running records and retellings with Ahrian. He got to read two books that he chose. They were Sammy the Seal and a Clifford Book. He was so excited!

I have seen so much improvment with him since the first session now that I get to see him at Machananao for reading. His writing has improved as well since we do journal writing in the morning. I am just happy that I get to see him progress.

To my inner circle-don't forget to finish off your sessions with your students. Our diagnostic reports are due in two weeks. Have a great week and hopefully, I will see all of you next Monday.


mnrivera said...


I'm glad that you had an enjoyable last session with Ahrian. Now it's time for you to work diligently on completing your diagnostic case report. Ensure that you follow the format we've discussed, and include the different assessment tables according to the levels for each of the stories Ahrian was engaged in. Good luck!

Best regards,
Dr. Rivera

Kate Pappano said...

Sorry about having the lab all to yourself least it was quiet and Ahrian got a lot of work done!

I have not started my diagnostic report as planned. I seem to not be able to concentrate on much of anything with the conference at the end of the week. Once that is over I hope to have a new burst of energy to complete my three remaining assignments over the weekend/next week.

See you on Thursday,


Lorna Mae Gonzalez said...

Glad to hear that Ahrian is making choices on books. It's evident that you're a great support for him!

Diagnostic report! Yikes! I was supposed to get my draft going... I do have my scribbles on what I planned to do..but things get in the way....I'm getting there...