Sunday, November 2, 2008

Post Halloween Booos

Hello Circle!

We are not meeting tonight so I just wanted to say "Hey" and I will miss everyone but not the mold infested literacy lab that has kept me sick all month (Lucille we should meet in your classroom every week)! Actually, what am I saying? Because there is no meeting tonight I now have to go to some reception for visiting Japanese sailors. This means wearing a dress and heels. I will really really miss everyone tonight!

I cannot believe we are just about done with the semester, it went by so fast!

See you all next week,


Lorna Mae Gonzalez said...

Boo! It was nice having you in my classroom...As you could tell, it was a working and busy class with the mess as evidence.

I hope that I helped in some way!

Lucille Linder said...

It will be back to that moldy Literacy Lab next week. Boohoo...boohoo...Anyone with leftover DARK chocolates? I'm game!

Ceferino Duarosan, Jr. said...

Take pictures of yourself in that dress and heels and post it on our blog!