Monday, September 8, 2008

Trust Your Gut!

Hello my Inner Circle! Today's class was awesome. It just reminds me of how much I miss my classmates! Chapters 1 to 4 was a review from all the classes that we took with Dr. Stoicovy. I am reminded of Public Law 94-142, great seminal authors and reading strategies we studied. Who knew that we learned to so much. I am so proud of us four. We made it to the Reading Clinic Room. That's enough to celebrate our accomplishments in Language and Literacy. With Dr. Rivera's guidance, we can do it!


mnrivera said...


I'm happy that all of you were able to connect with the chapters we reviewed in class. It shows that Dr. Stoicovy taught you well. As we progress in the semester, you will continue to build your schemata. I will certainly be there to guide all of you every step of the way, so continue to remain focused, and you'll do just fine.

Best regards,
Dr. Rivera

Kate Pappano said...

I'm so pleased I was welcome into the inner circle so quickly! You all made me feel so welcome. I really do hope that if any of you find yourselves near me in the States that you'll give me a call so we can get together!
