Monday, September 29, 2008

The Inner Arc

That's what class was tonight without the sisters...the inner arc instead of the inner circle. Lucille I hope Angela is ok!! Lorna, I am looking forward to your presentation next week because I really liked the chapter too.

We did a good review of the last section of the QRI so I have a better idea of which assessments I'd like to try next week. I'm glad we have the rest of the semester to practice giving assessments; it should give us a good idea of which ones we like, which ones are fairly easy to administer and which ones involve more in depth processing.

I hope everyone has a good week and is feeling better soon.


Ceferino Duarosan, Jr. said...

Good one classmate! Your image gave me a good laugh :-)

Lucille Linder said...

Hi, Kate!
I am so sorry to have missed your presentation last night. Angela was very sick late Sunday night and we just had to take a trip to GMH E.R. I didn't get to go home till 2 in the a.m. I still needed to go to work. Thank goodness for Rocephin. It worked wonders for my girl with the infection and the high fevers. I planned on brining a ream of printer paper for you. Anyway, can we meet sometime before Monday to get more info on what was discussed last night? Thanks.


Lorna Mae Gonzalez said...

Kate, I love your clip art of the half a circle or half a do-nut!!!!...I will be tapping on you and Cef for any missed notes for that evening...