Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 discussed the learning factors that influence reading and writing performance. Of all the factors listed I agree heavily with the factor of prior content knowledge. This has been a recurring theme through several of my SOE classes and to me it seems so logical that it is hard to believe that some schools still do not take it into account. Children come from all degrees of cultural and socio-economic backgrounds which play heavily into the levels of content knowledge students bring with them to the classroom. Teachers need to familiarize themselves with these backgrounds to gain a better understanding of the reading and writing skills their students have.

1 comment:

Lorna Mae Gonzalez said...

True, Kate, as educators, we have the heavy task of taking the children from where they are to where they should be regardless of their background and experience. Maybe that's why the field of teaching is such a noble career, we have to compensate for the missing parts to make the child learn.