Tuesday, September 16, 2008

There were a couple of messages that came to mind after Monday's chapter presentations. The first one was as an educator, I should keep in mind the cultural diversity of the classroom. As I plan myf lessons, strategies and assessments especially in literacy, it should be considerate of where my students are as far and to build on their prior knowledge and their life experiences. Another concept to consider is the expectations of the teacher and the expectations of the students. Classroom instruction and assessment have to reflect "no mismatch" of the expectations of both teacher and student.

It was an enjoyable time in class - Monday evening! Dr. Rivera, I am feeling a little at ease as we meet and ask and ask questions about our upcoming Comps Exam.....Happy Belated Birthday, Cef! I am sure you had a good day!


mnrivera said...


If you start now to work diligently, tap on your schemata, and positively scaffold your knowledge, you'll be fine. Not to mention, you have the awesome support of your inner circle. ;) Do your best, and things will eventually work out for the better!

Best regards,
Dr. Rivera

Ceferino Duarosan, Jr. said...

Hi Lorns! I like your graphic. That is a extra one point. You need it for always being tardy. Just Joking. I totally agree with you. We all have to be sensitive to our students because they do come from different backgrounds. Transferring to a new school, I finally realized that the true meaning of teaching. Gosh, it took me 8 years to figure that out?

Kate Pappano said...

Oh I love that graphic Lorna! If there is anything that has been ingrained in my head from SOE it's to know your students backgrounds and acknowledge their differences. It's a valid and important point!