Tuesday, September 23, 2008


All my jitters and gagging stopped, but I think I caught the flu bug! I liked Chapters 9 and 10 rather than my chapter. We got to discuss the QRI a little bit more which made me more comfortable when we do begin our clinicals. I liked Lucille's presentation. I was reminded of the good old days of when I did DEAR and SSR. Have a great week everyone!


Kate Pappano said...

Sorry you aren't feeling well Cef, I was out for the count yesterday as well. I fell asleep on the couch after the kids left for school at 8am and didn't wake up until 1 with chills and a fever.

I always enjoy class though. We are learning alot and always having fun!

Kate Pappano said...

I just noticed your graphic! I am dying laughing (but only because I feel better today)!

Lucille Linder said...

I just took a closer look at your graphic. That is so funny! Wanna a purple pill, Nexium? How about an 800mg Motrin? Hahaha!