Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hey! Where's everyone?

Monday's class seemed like a course by conference for Kate and I. Regardless, we found ways to entertain ourselves. We even learned how to hyperlink an image. How cool is that! Kate's presentation on the QRI, gave me a better understanding of how I will do my assessment of my child. Her presentation was straight to the point! Kudos.

My Chapter 13 presentation reminded me of all the fun activities that I had the privilege of doing for Dr. Stoicovy's class such as Choral Reading and the Shared Reading Experience. I miss my Ulloa students! Have a great weekend everyone and I can't wait until Monday when we get to do our first session with our students. Until then :)

1 comment:

Kate Pappano said...

I'm looking forward to Monday and finally putting some assessments to the test! I think we will all have a great time working with the kids and discussing and sharing our results with each other.