Monday, September 22, 2008

Enjoyed This Evening's Class

All the information that I learned in ED 640/645 is all coming back to me. It does help when you REREAD. Repeated reading, according to Samuels, does build fluency and comprehension. Hahaha! The QRI-3 is starting to absorb. I guess I have to wait till one of us starts it off. I just want to make sure I am doing something right. Within this inner circle of support, we'll do just fine. Thank you for your help and laughter. It's good feeling. See you next week!


Kate Pappano said...

It's the laughter that gets me through! My sense of humor has gotten me through so much and it will get me and all of us through this semester! Remember, it's almost Christmas LOL!

Ceferino Duarosan, Jr. said...

Hey boogersnot! It's starting to sink in as well. See ya!