Monday, August 25, 2008

ED643 First Blog

Hi Dr. Rivera and ED643 Classmates (Kate, Lucille, Lorna and Edna)!

Tonight was great! A little overwhelming, but I think that all of us can have a great fall semester. I'll see everyone on Monday. Have a great week!


E. S.M. Flores said...

Good Evening, Dr. Rivera & Everyone (Lucille, Lorna, Kate, and Cef),
Sounds like it will be a good class. It will test my ability to use modern technology! Glad to have met everyone and for the help you've extended in the way of locating texts and students!


mnrivera said...

Cef and Edna,

Indeed, we will have a meaningful semester, filled with literacy assessment and technology to enhance our learning experience!

All the best,
Dr. Rivera

Kate Pappano said...

Hi Cef,

I can't wait to work with you again this semester (and Lorna and Lucille and Edna)!
